Last night was ladies night in the Mariscal (a area with lots of discotecas and bars). From 8-11, girls get free drinks. It was a lot of fun and the music was, for the most part, pretty good. Lots of American songs. Quito radio stations play a lot of familiar songs, which is a nice little reminder of home. Today "Sexy and I Know It" came on the radio and my host brother sang and danced to it, reminding me of another friend from home. Today was very long. I had ceramics (found out we won't be using a wheel, which I'm a little upset about), Intro to Ecuadorian Culture (there were a few familiar faces), and photography (thankfully one of the girls from my ceramics class was in there, otherwise I would have been the only gringa in two of my classes, which is a bit intimidating!).
All my classes seem to be figured out (minus my piano lessons, but hopefully that will get worked out tomorrow), it's just going to be difficult taking all my classes in Spanish, but that's the point, right?
Tonight I'm going to see the new Sherlock Holmes with emily and her friends. And it's Ladies Night at the theatre so we get cheaper prices! I'm starting to enjoy being a girl in Quito, it comes with a few perks: free drinks, the busses generally stop for you (sometimes the money man even helps you out, after he stared awkwardly at me for a while....), those are all I can think of now, but so far it's been pretty nice.
Till next time!
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