Sunday, March 4, 2012


It was a nice change of pace this weekend because I actually stayed in Quito!
Friday night we went to Chupitos (shots in Spanish).  They pretty much only sell shots and they have a ton! I got two very delicious ones and Chloe and I vowed to take flaming ones next time we go back! Molly's friend from Kentucky was here (he's been in Ecuador for a week following a medical team to take pictures).  It was fun hanging out with a bunch of real gringos (by now I consider most of the internationals half gringos!).  We ended up meeting a couple of British guys as well who had just arrived.  The people we meet in la mariscal! I ended up not getting home until 4am, but thankfully we hung out at their hotel for the last part so we had a legitimate taxi waiting to take us home.
Saturday I tried to work on home homework (I have a mountain of it and should probably be doing that instead of writing this blog...).  Then it was Dayglow! I really lucked out that it was coming to Quito because the tickets were only $30 as compared to at least $60 tickets in the US.  It was fantastic! We took a van specifically for the concert to the rave center near el Mitad del Mundo.  We got there after 8 and I figured the concert probably started at 10 (the vans stopped running at 9 but we didn't know how many people would be taking them).  So there was just some music playing for a while.  Then Kevin Focus came on and I figured this was the start of Dayglow.  After he DJed for about an hour, a countdown came on the screen saying 59:59.30 until DAYGLOW! And that's when we all realized the real Dayglow didn't start until midnight (but that's also when it made sense that the returning vans didn't start until 2).  It was kind of silly because most of the talking and pumping up was said in English so I almost felt as if I was back in the States! The music was amazing and by the time we left I was covered in paint, which apparently my shower did not even completely remove.  My white shoes now have some sweet tie-dye and Chloe's shirt I borrowed looks pretty rad.  It was great because we all danced the night away and at one point there was a huge surge in the crowd and I felt like I was back in my high school moshpits! My favorite part of the night was whenever they played dubstep, Chloe and I both went crazy and I'm pretty sure the people around us were like "umm what is wrong with these gringas!" I am so glad I bought the tickets; it's been one of my favorite experiences here so far.  Some of my friends at USFQ were even photographers for the event so I'm hoping to have some good photos since I didn't bring my camera.
Today I just rested and tried to work on some homework.  Which I now must finish, so this is going to be all I'm able to write. Good night!
(Post Dayglow!)
P.S. I think my grandparents here must just be like a hostel for internationals.  For the past few weeks they had some German girls, and now there's a boy from Denmark there! And I met an older couple when I first got here and I feel like there was another.  They have so many I can't even remember them all!

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